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Inglês Intermediário-2025.5.38

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Sobre o curso

• Escrever parágrafos, cartas e bilhetes, conforme normas gramaticais e vocabulário do nível intermediário. (WRITING)
• Realizar diálogos de acordo com normas gramaticais e vocabulário do nível intermediário. (SPEAKING)
• Ler pequenos textos, anúncios, e-mails, bilhetes, considerando vocabulários e estruturas gramaticais do nível intermediário. (READING)
• Compreender músicas, conversações, mensagem em telefone, rádio, televisão de acordo com vocabulário e expressões do nível intermediário. (LISTENING)

Grammar: present/past of Be; simple present, what …like? be+ adjective + noun, order of adjectives, adverbs of intensity, quatifiers, would like + infinitive, how many, how much quantifiers before nouns, two words phrasal verbs, imperatives, present continous for future plans; Comparatives, enough… too; Should , Can, Superlative adjectives, simple past , ago, articles, present perfect, soo too either; neither; determiners; infinitives of purpose; will for predictions, may , might for possibility;

Speaking: asking for repetition; asking someone to speak more slowly; descripitions; Saying you think something is/isn´t true, asking/giving for an opinion; making a request, Agreement to a request; saying how you feel.

Vocabulary: hobby, appearance; online profiles; indoor activities, Household shores; Interests; Sports and exercises; wheather, Things in a home; Parts of a body, health habits, types of show, television, opposites, personal goals, milestones, carees, places to see, interesting foods, types of movies, types of music.


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Ou à vista valor total R$790,00

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Inglês Intermediário-2025.5.38 - Senac Amazonas
  • Pré-requisitos

  • Documentos necessários

    Idade maior ou igual a 13 anos

  • Período

    18/02/2025 até 22/07/2025


    Terça-feira e Quinta-feira (08:00 às 12:00)

    Carga horária

    160 horas



    CEP JT - Cidade Nova

