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Inglês Básico-2025.3.30

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Sobre o curso

• Ler textos básicos e do cotidiano, tais como: parágrafos simples, panfletos, anúncios, e-mails, de acordo com a pronúncia e entonação adequadas;
• Escrever parágrafos simples, com uso de vocabulário, estruturas gramaticais e expressões básicas do dia a dia, conforme as regras gramaticais do idioma;
• Compreender e falar com nativos do idioma inglês, desde que estes falem pausadamente e de forma clara, considerando a pronúncia e entonação das palavras;
• Apresentar fluência, pronúncia e entonação adequados de acordo com o nível básico na comunicação oral;

Grammar: Verb to be: (presente, passado e futuro simples); Going to… (futere and progressive); Wh-questions (what, where, who, how, when, whose ); Plural subject pronouns; Demonstratives: this, that/these;those; Articles a and an; Plurals; Possessive pronouns; Whose; ’s and s; Simple present statements: affimative,negative and interrogative; Adverbs of frequency; and, but, and or; Count and noncount nouns; some and any; How oten; time expressions; Prepositions of location; There to be; Actions and prepositions; Present continuous statements; Simple past: regular and irregular verbs; Adjectives; Past of be; Be going to: yes / no questions; object pronouns

Speaking/ Pronunciation: Introducing yourself and someone else; Expressions: Saying hello and good-bye Expressing dislikes and likes; Can for ability; Directions; Invitations; contractions, word stress, plurals, transportes, reduction of to; notice and use different stress in numbers, Can and can’t, food Breakfast, lunch, and dinner, Meals, Intonation in questions, Reduction of going to before verbs.

Vocabulary: alphabet, classroom language, names and Jobs, places, people, Family, friends, address, nationalities, languages, numbers (0-1000), e-mails, itens do dia a dia, clouthes, acessories, color, weather, Day of the week, monthes, ways of getting around, time/hours; online activities; lugares e atividade de lazer; prices; Abilities,
neighborhood, Places in the neighborhood, Places to visit, Activities, Weekend activities, Things to do, Vacation activities, dates, Party checklist.


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Ou à vista valor total R$690,00

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Inglês Básico-2025.3.30 - Senac Amazonas
  • Pré-requisitos

    Idade maior ou igual a 13 anos.

  • Documentos necessários

  • Período

    08/04/2025 até 23/10/2025


    Terça-feira e Quinta-feira (09:00 às 12:00)

    Carga horária

    160 horas



    CEP PF - Senac Centro

